New Single-Shade Composite Ecosite One

M. Cowen, M. Gilmartin, J.M. Powers

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We recently tested a new single-shade composite Ecosite One from DMG America, which is primarily indicated for posterior cases in class I, II, V restorations and core build-ups. Among the claims DMG America makes is that the material can achieve over a 3 mm depth of cure in 10 seconds of curing time with a standard >1000 mW/cm2 LED curing light for time savings, with excellent handling and polishing characteristics. In our testing, we measured the depth of cure claim, the polishability and the color stability after accelerated aging and staining. 

Since the release of universal single-shade composite systems, simplifying shade selection for most cases has never been easier. Multiple studies have shown adequate color matching for the majority of shades. Single-shade composites benefit from additional surrounding dentition, as the chameleon effect relies on light reflecting through the material from the dentition in order to provide the chameleon effect. An added benefit of these single-shade composites is that a greater depth of cure can sometimes be achieved as the transluency of the composites are higher due to the need to allow light to pass through the composite to reflect off the surrounding dentition. Overall, single-shade composites can have a better color match in the long-term as their apparent shade can continue to change as the surrounding dentition changes color over time.