Laboratory Evaluation of STELA Composites

M. Cowen, J.M. Powers

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STELA from SDI is a new self-cured composite system which has indications for class I, II, III and V restorations. It has a unique offering of 2 formulations in an automix syringe or capsule. The advantage of the capsule is that it is much more highly filled and allows more shaping before curing, while the automix formulation is ideal for any case which calls for an injectable or flowable composite. STELA also includes fluoride, calcium and strontium which can help create a positive pH while being BPA and HEMA free.  

So why use a self-curing composite? The primary advantage of self-curing composite is that they can have an unlimited depth of cure ensuring that all parts of the restoration are cured evenly. Light curing can be both technique sensitive and by the nature of initiating the polymerization process at the outside of the composite, there is potential that in large filling, a gap can be created at the bottom of a restoration. Self-curing will evenly distribute the polymerization stresses across any bonding interfaces with a primer that catalyzes the STELA composite at the bonding interface, so the interface cures first. Contact-curing primers have a great potential to reduce sensitivity and help ensure gap free margins.